Zong Prepaid MBB Monthly 80GB-80GB
Zong Prepaid MBB Monthly 80GB-80GB Overview
Zong Prepaid MBB Monthly 80GB-80GB provides 160 GB Internet data including 80GB (4AM-4PM) for 30 days at Rs 2600. With Zong uninterrupted connectivity and ample data allocation, this exceptional package is specifically tailored to meet your digital requirements. You Can also check MBB Monthly 65GB.
How to Subscribe?
- Step 1: Ensure you have a compatible Zong Mobile Broadband device.
- Step 2: Recharge your device with the required amount.
- Step 3: Dial the subscription code *6767# from your Zong device.
- Step 4: Follow the on-screen instructions to subscribe to the MBB Monthly 30GB offer.
How to Unsubscribe?
- Step 1: Dial *6767# from your Zong device.
- Step 2: Select the “Unsubscribe” option.
- Step 3: Confirm your unsubscription when prompted.