Ufone Ufamily

Ufone Ufamily Package Overview?
Ufone always cares about its customers and provides packages that meet customers expectations. Ufone Ufamily package provides 10,000 U-U & PTCL Minutes, 800 Off Net Minutes, 6000 SMS and 30 GB Internet at the price of Rs 1999 for 30 days. The Best thing about the Ufamily package is you can add up to 3 family members in this package and all members will use all these perks with no extra charges.
Activation Process
To activate Ufamily package simply dial *5555#.
Ufone Ufamily package is the best choice for those who want to share their package with their family members or friends to avoid extra billing. By using this package primary users add up to 3 members with the same package price and all users can use the available resources. This package is available at Rs 1999 for 30 days. You Can also check AJK Super Internet Plus.