Jazz Monthly Extreme

Overview of Jazz Monthly Extreme
With Jazz Monthly extreme package, you can avail of 10 GB of data for a whole month at the price of Rs 260 for 30 days.
This package is best for night riders who use the internet all night and at the start of the day because this package has a time limitation. Customers can use data between 2 AM to 2 PM for the whole month.
You can also check : Monthly Browser Package
Terms & Conditions
- Users may be subscribed to this package at any time of the day.
- Users will be charged Rs 0.06 to check the remaining perks and validity.
- The Bundle age will not auto subscribed upon expiry. You need to subscribe again to continue your package.
- Internet package may be subscribed to and used in 2G-3G-4G networks area.
- Internet speed will vary on many factors like distance, sim, device and 2G-3G-4G network area.
- Users will be charged Rs.2 per MB for the internet bundle overage.
- If the User does not subscribe to any package, the User will be charged Rs 5 per MB.
- The package price is subject to change or discontinues any time without any prior notice.
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